To promote and amplify the voices and resources of the communities that are and have been affected by extractivism in the region, BILM has coordinated the creation of a camp to deepen the mining theme in the Amazon of Ecuador. This camp will occur in the Kichwa community of Serena, located in the Napo province of Ecuador. Its fundamental mission will serve as a convergence center for community communicators committed to the struggle against extractivism.

BILM 2023 Congress
Leaders from diverse cultural backgrounds and generations that make up the Black and Indigenous Liberation Movement (BILM) will convene from October 7th to October 12th to commemorate the historic resistance of Black and Indigenous communities and strengthen their proposal to end extractivism in the region.

This lab aims to bring visibility to the region's environmental crisis caused by extractivism. Developed in collaboration with Doc Society and Mullu Tv, this space will serve as a crucial point where journalists, filmmakers, and storytellers will share narratives about extractive conflicts. Moreover, sixty representatives from Black and Indigenous communities from various movements in Latin America have requested to participate in the Climate Story Lab to enhance and develop their stories and narratives in different audiovisual formats.
More info visit bilmclimatestorylab.com

Anti-Mining Collaboration
This phase aims to define collaboration protocols and organizational tools to amplify the voices of communities affected by extractivism. For this event, we will have the participation of various experts and collectives with experience in the field.

Anti-Mining Collaboration
Coordinators representing the Black and Indigenous Liberation Movement BILM, democratically elected during the BILM Congress held in October, as an integral part of the Anti-Mining Camp 2023.

Lucia Ixchiu, an indigenous K'iché Guatemalan, assumes the role of coordinator, bringing her valuable experience as a feminist activist, cultural manager, community journalist and co-founder of Mujeres en Movimiento and Festivales Solidarios. Her outstanding activism encompasses the defense of feminism, biodiversity and the struggle for the preservation of the territory of indigenous peoples.
Carlos Alvarez Nazareno, sociologist by profession and popular educator, distinguished for his activism in favor of the human rights of Afro-descendants, LGBTTIQ and migrants. This appointment represents a significant step in the continuation of the struggle for equality and justice for black and indigenous communities within the network.

BILM 2023 Congress Agenda
SATURDAY, October 7th
7 PM - 8:00 PM Agenda and Presentations
Time Zero: Our basic operation
Summary of systematization of the previous year
First Moment: Sharing our journey
Training School
Climate Story Lab
Anti-Mining Collaboration
Political advocacy
Direct assistance
Second moment: Review of our network landscape
Main struggles / highlights - collective and individual
Results of listening circle sessions
Inventory of initiative proposals received
Third moment: Network rules
Finalizing our organizational structure
Definition and approval of our governance model
Cadence and functioning of key meetings
Presentation and approval of projects
Constitution of our commissions
Fourth moment: Commission work → Setting initiatives/snails
Political Advocacy
Climate Change
Ethical Justice and Admissions
Fifth moment: Group Resolutions
Presentation of proposals within Commissions
Approval of initiatives
Constitution of snails
Sixth moment: Election of new coordinators.
After the Congress:
Structuring of snail proposals
Organizational budget
8 PM - 9 PM First moments of the Congress
Zero Moment: Our basic operation
Summary of systematization of the previous year
First moment: Sharing our journey
Training School
Climate Story Lab
Anti-Mining Collaboration
Political advocacy
Direct assistance
SUNDAY, October 8
6 AM - 9 AM
Guayusa Upina at Jatunyacu beach of Shandia Community
Breakfast at Shandia
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Second moment: Review of our network/listening circle overview
[1h] Group discussion
11:00 AM - 12 PM Third moment: Rules of the network - how we operate
(1h30) Proposal and discussion of organizational structure
Voting on key elements of proposal
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Coffee break
Activities at Shandia beach
2:00 - 6:00 PM Third moment: Rules of the network - how we operate
(1h20min) Proposal and discussion of governance model
Voting on key elements of the proposal
(1h20min) Proposal for formation and approval of snails
Voting on key elements of proposal
(1h20min) Review of membership list
Recommendations for acceptance of new members
Recommendations for purging the membership roster
6:00 - 10:00 PM Activities within Serena
Transportation to Serena from Shandia
MONDAY, October 9th
6:00 AM - 11:00 PM Activities within Serena (check Serena's agenda)
TUESDAY, October 10
7:00 AM - 9:00 AM Beach at Shandia and breakfast at Shandia Lodge
9:00 AM - 13:00 PM Fourth moment: Division between thematic tables
(everyone, 45min) Presentation of the methodology of working together
(divided, 1h) Re-evaluation of the commission's objectives
(divided, 2h) Evaluation of snail proposals for each commission.
Climate Change
Political Action
13:00 - 14:30 PM Lunch in Shandia and rest on beach
14:30 - 18:00 PM Fourth moment (continuation)
(divided, 2h) Continuation of snail evaluation for each committee
Climate Change
Political Action
Support with budget estimation by BILM Technical Director
WEDNESDAY, October 11
7:00 AM - 9:00 AM Beach at Shandia and breakfast at Shandia Lodge
9:00 AM - 13:00 PM Fifth moment: Division between thematic tables
(everyone, 45min) Presentation of the methodology of working together
(3x1h15min) Presentation and comments on each commission's proposal
(30min) Presentation
(45min) Comments
13:00 - 14:30 PM Lunch at Shandia and rest on the beach
14:30 - 16:30 PM Sixth moment (continuation)
(1h) Election and proposal of candidates for coordination
(1h) Election of new members of BILM
14:30 - 18:00 PM Summary
Summary of the BILM Congress
To make visible the steps to follow to finalize the proposal and to enable snails under commissions.